We went to blue waterfalls. There were sophomore kids there. They took Augustus picture and Elena’s. They did not take my picture. Everyone else got their picture.
- Caleb
Some school kids came and interviewed all of us except for Caleb. Later they wanted us to take pictures with them. The waterfall was very pretty. We went behind the waterfall. Ginger got soaked.
- Elena
We went to a waterfall. We got soaked. People took my picture. Three of them said that I am cute.
- Augustus
Leaving Palenque we passed mountains that made Mogollon look like a playground sand hill. Huge with endless switch backs, narrow roads. The real hazard was that in several places the hill had slumped away due to recent rains taking part of the blacktop with it. One place took half the road but that had been repaired, other six inch losses were waiting their turn for repair, most had warnings in the form of white paint on the road surface.
The Misol Ha falls we saw were better than the Agua Azul. They fell about 150 or 200 feet, a generous river. As they fell they created a wind that soaked everyone with the mist from them. Of course the kids got wet. You could go along a trail that lead back under the falls between them and the mountain, but you got soaked. Several places in the hill there were small issues of water that shot out making their own minifalls. It was a delightfully pleasant moist place with a wind from the falling water. Curiously, there were only three or four ferns and no mosquitoes, none, nada, zip.
We were the tourist attraction at the tourist attraction place! There was a sophomore class from Ocosingo visiting the falls. Their teacher had them interview us, probably to expand their experience, so they asked a few questions. Then they had their pictures taken with a few of us. But Elena and Gusty were the favorites, the female types flocked to the little blondies, took lots of pictures of them and played with them, running their fingers through their hair. It must have been an advanced class because the kids were interested and participated eagerly with no prodding once the teacher broke the ice.
- Grandpa
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